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Funding for communities, government officials, urban planners, and developers seeking resources for renewable energy and infrastructure.
Local Government Energy Program: Communities Sparking Investment in Transformative Energy
May 31, 2024
10 months ago
Max Award
The U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced the Communities Sparking Investment in Transformative Energy (C-SITE) Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) under the Local Government Energy Program (LGEP). This initiative aligns with the Biden Administration's goals to achieve carbon pollution-free electricity by 2035 and net-zero emissions by 2050. The C-SITE FOA aims to support local governments and Tribes in implementing high-impact clean energy projects that reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, create local jobs, improve air quality, and focus benefits on disadvantaged communities. The program emphasizes meaningful community engagement, leveraging existing community assets, and attracting additional investments to sustain and scale projects. Eligible projects may include building efficiency and electrification, electric transportation, energy infrastructure upgrades, microgrid development, renewable energy, resilience hubs, and workforce development. Awarded communities will receive technical assistance and support from Community Energy Fellows to help implement their projects. The DOE anticipates making 5-20 awards, ranging from $900,000 to $3,600,000, with a total funding pool of approximately $18 million. The period of performance for these awards will range from 12 to 36 months. This funding opportunity is designed to deliver direct community benefits, spark additional investments, and advance community-identified energy priorities.
RFP-24-601 – Technical Assistance for Medium- and Heavy-Duty (MDHD) Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Infrastructure Blueprint Development
Oct 12, 2024
5 months ago
Max Award
The California Energy Commission (CEC) is seeking proposals for a Prime Contractor to lead a team of professional engineering, design, and environmental professionals to support the Clean Transportation Program. This program aims to develop comprehensive and implementable blueprint planning documents for the deployment of medium- and heavy-duty zero-emission vehicles (MDHD ZEVs) and the necessary electric vehicle charging and/or hydrogen refueling infrastructure. The goal is to accelerate the transition to MDHD ZEVs, particularly in disadvantaged and low-income communities, California Native American tribal lands, and priority populations, ensuring that fleets are well-prepared for this transition. Applicants should be aware that all communication regarding this RFP must be directed in writing to the Commission Agreement Officer, Lisa Linares. Proposals must include an Administrative, Technical, and Cost Proposal, and adhere to the specific format and requirements outlined in the RFP. The CEC emphasizes the importance of careful adherence to all instructions and requirements, as failure to comply may result in the rejection of the proposal. This funding opportunity is part of the CEC's ongoing efforts to meet California's future energy and greenhouse gas reduction goals through responsible ZEV infrastructure development.
GFO-23-701 - California’s Fifth Climate Change Assessment Tribal Research Grant Program
Nov 18, 2023
2 years ago
Max Award
The Tribal Research Grant Program, administered by the California Energy Commission (CEC) in collaboration with the Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR), aims to support tribally led climate change research initiatives. This funding opportunity emerged from Senate Bill 170 (Skinner, Chapter 240, Statutes of 2021), which appropriated $3. 625 million to address California-specific tribal research needs and local climate assessments. The program builds on the efforts of California's Fourth Climate Assessment, which highlighted the importance of integrating Indigenous Knowledge (IK) with Western science to manage climate change effectively. The program's goals include strengthening partnerships with tribes through meaningful engagement, establishing a Tribal Advisory Group, and developing a Tribal and Indigenous Communities Report. Eligible applicants include California Native American tribes, tribal organizations, and tribal-serving non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The program encourages projects that align with the Fifth Climate Assessment's objectives, such as producing actionable science and supporting tribally led climate resilience efforts. The timeline for this grant includes key milestones from September 2023 to January 2026, with the anticipated start date for agreements being April 1, 2024.
Due soon
Mar 20, 2025
Next week
Max Award
The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs is offering a funding opportunity under the Tribal Energy Planning and Development program for 2025. This initiative is rooted in the Indian Tribal Energy Development and Self Determination Act of 2005, which aims to support Indian Tribes in overcoming barriers to energy resource development and accelerating the deployment of energy technologies on Tribal Lands. The program's goal is to promote tribal energy development, enhance energy efficiency, reduce energy costs, and strengthen tribal energy infrastructure. Applicants can apply for funding in three specific areas: Tribal Energy Planning, Comprehensive Energy Feasibility and Viability Assessment, and Design and Development of Energy Projects. The DOE expects to allocate approximately $25 million for new awards, with an anticipated 20 to 40 awards being made. Eligible applicants include Indian Tribes, Intertribal Organizations, and Tribal Energy Development Organizations. The program builds on previous investments by the DOE Office of Indian Energy, which has committed over $120 million to more than 210 tribal energy projects between 2010 and 2022. This funding opportunity does not require previous awards or accomplishments for eligibility.
EECBG Program Formula Grants
Jun 1, 2025
3 months from now
Max Award
The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program, authorized under the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 and amended by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), aims to support state, local, and tribal governments in reducing fossil fuel emissions, decreasing energy use, and improving energy efficiency across various sectors. This program is designed to build a clean and equitable energy economy, prioritizing disadvantaged communities and promoting equity and inclusion in workforce opportunities. Eligible entities can develop programs and projects that address one or more of these goals, with a range of activities defined under Section 544 of EISA. This guidance updates the 2011 version to reflect changes made by the IIJA, providing clarity on the types of eligible activities that can be funded. Recipients of EECBG Program grants or vouchers can use this guidance to align their projects with the program’s objectives.
Clean Energy to Communities (C2C) Program
Oct 31, 2024
5 months ago
Max Award
The Clean Energy to Communities (C2C) program, funded by the U. S. Department of Energy and managed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), aims to support communities in achieving their clean energy goals. This program offers three main types of support: in-depth partnerships, peer-learning cohorts, and expert match assistance. The in-depth partnerships are long-term, three-year engagements that involve local governments, community-based organizations, and utilities working closely with national lab staff to design and deploy clean energy projects. Peer-learning cohorts provide medium-term, six-month engagements where participants can share strategies and best practices on specific clean energy topics. The expert match offers short-term, tailored technical assistance to help communities address immediate clean energy challenges. Eligible participants for these opportunities include local governments, Tribes, utilities, and community-based organizations. The application cycles vary, with some opportunities open for rolling applications and others having specific deadlines. The program is designed to be flexible, allowing communities to move between different types of support as their needs evolve. The C2C program builds on previous DOE initiatives and aims to expand its impact by simplifying the application process, sharing lessons learned, and increasing local staff capacity through training and collaboration.
Alternative & Clean Energy Program (ACE) - PA Dept. of Community & Economic Development
No due date found
Max Award
The Alternative and Clean Energy Program (the Program) was established under the Alternative Energy Investment Act of July 9, 2008, and is administered by the Commonwealth Financing Authority in collaboration with the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) and the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). The Program aims to provide financial assistance in the form of grants and loans to eligible applicants for the development, utilization, and construction of alternative and clean energy projects within the commonwealth. Eligible applicants include businesses, economic development organizations, and political subdivisions. The funds can be used for various project costs, such as high-performance building construction, energy conservation equipment installation, and alternative energy system installation. Applicants must provide matching funds and adhere to specific requirements, including nondiscrimination policies and prevailing wage laws. The Program charges a non-refundable application fee and has specific loan terms and interest rates.
TCU Energy and Food Sovereignty Nexus Prize
Apr 8, 2025
Next month
Max Award
The U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs has introduced the $4. 1 million American-Made Tribal College and University (TCU) Energy and Food Sovereignty Nexus Prize. This initiative aims to support TCUs in developing student-led demonstration projects that integrate energy and food sovereignty education within Tribal regions. The prize is part of the broader American-Made program, which seeks to accelerate clean energy innovation through incentives, training, teaming, and mentoring. The projects will provide hands-on learning experiences and contribute to clean energy infrastructure on TCU campuses, aligning with the DOE's goals of promoting energy planning, education, management, development, and efficiency in Tribal communities. The prize is structured into three phases: Teaming, Planning and Permitting, and Construction and Demonstration Planning, culminating in a final phase where teams present their demonstration results and sustainability plans. Each phase offers cash prizes to winning teams, with a total prize pool of up to $4. 1 million. Eligibility is limited to TCUs, and projects must be located on TCU campuses. The program encourages the incorporation of local traditional plants and livestock into project designs, ensuring sustainability and relevance to the local climate and community. This funding opportunity is designed to foster innovation and practical application of clean energy solutions in Tribal regions, providing valuable educational experiences for students.
Tribal Energy Development Capacity
Jan 16, 2025
2 months ago
Max Award
Tribal Energy Development Capacity (BIA-TEDC-2025-01): The Secretary of the Interior (“Secretary”), through the Division of Energy and Mineral Development (DEMD), Office of Trust Services, Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), is soliciting grant proposals from Federally recognized tribal entities to build Tribal capacity for energy resource regulation and management. The Tribal Energy Development Capacity (TEDC) grant program seeks to develop the Tribal management, organizational and technical capacity needed to maximize the economic impact of energy resource development on Federally recognized tribal land. TEDC grants equip Federally recognized tribal entities to regulate and manage their energy resources through development of organizational and business structures and legal and regulatory infrastructure. Examples of projects TEDC grants may fund include establishment of Tribal business charters under Federal, state, or Tribal law with a focus on energy resource development; adoption and/or implementation of a secured transactions code; feasibility studies on forming a Tribal utility authority; and development of Tribal energy regulations.
Energy Improvements in Rural or Remote Areas - Fiscal Year 2025 Release
Aug 28, 2025
5 months from now
Max Award
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law has authorized the Department of Energy (DOE) to invest $1 billion in energy improvements in rural or remote areas. This funding opportunity aims to support rural and remote communities in building clean energy projects that can provide cleaner, more resilient, reliable, and affordable local energy sources. The program also seeks to increase local energy independence, economic development, and job creation while reducing environmental and health burdens. Eligible projects can include improving energy generation, transmission, or distribution systems, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, developing microgrids, and increasing energy efficiency. This funding opportunity builds on previous rounds of the Energy Improvements in Rural or Remote Areas program, which have included various prizes and grant opportunities. Applicants can propose projects under four specific topic areas: Open Category, Dual Use and Co-location, Smaller-scale Community-centered, and Isolated Microgrids & Unelectrified Buildings. Each topic area has specific funding amounts and cost-share requirements. The program prioritizes projects that benefit disadvantaged, low-income, and high energy burden communities, and those that involve local community members and trusted partners.
PON 3298 Clean Energy Communities Program
Dec 31, 2025
9 months from now
Max Award
The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) is offering a funding opportunity through its Community Engagement and Training Category, specifically targeting Community Campaigns. This program aims to support municipalities in organizing short-term, local campaigns to promote the adoption of innovative clean energy technologies. These campaigns are designed to generate value and savings for consumers while advancing state and local clean energy goals. Municipalities can earn points and be eligible for action grants by completing various campaign types, such as Community Solar, Clean Energy Upgrades, and Clean Fleets, among others. Municipalities that have previously completed certain tiers of Community Campaigns must submit new projects completed after June 1, 2023, to be eligible for additional awards. The program offers different levels of designation grants based on the points accumulated by municipalities, with higher funding levels available for actions completed before September 1, 2024. This opportunity builds on previous rounds of the Clean Energy Communities program, and municipalities must meet specific documentation and project completion requirements to qualify for funding.
DOE Community Energy Connectors: Regional Clean Energy & Economic Development Support
No due date found
Max Award
The Community Energy Connectors program, facilitated through a Partnership Intermediary Agreement with ENERGYWERX, aims to strengthen local clean energy support systems by fostering coalition building, networking, and matchmaking. This initiative is designed to help communities develop and advance clean energy and efficiency strategies, including post-EECBG vision and action plans, and funding strategies. The program will serve EECBG-eligible local governments, Tribes, states, territories, and EECBG state subgrantees. The Department of Energy (DOE) anticipates selecting one "Administrator" and 5-10 "Regional Partners" for a 3-year performance period, with a total funding of $6 million over three years. This regional approach leverages local knowledge and relationships to address place-based challenges and opportunities, ensuring sustainability and success through locally-tailored capacity building and strategic planning. The program empowers community-driven solutions that align with local values and increases impact through efficient resource allocation.
GFO-23-702 - California Clean Energy Planning Program (first-come, first-served)
Jun 14, 2024
9 months ago
Max Award
The California Energy Commission (CEC) is pleased to announce the California Clean Energy Planning Program (CCEPP), which offers up to $1,550,000 in grant funds on a first-come, first-served basis. This funding opportunity is rooted in the legislative framework established by Senate Bill 100 (SB 100), the 100 Percent Clean Energy Act of 2018, and further supported by Assembly Bill 128, the Budget Act of 2021. The primary goal of this program is to enhance the capacity of California Native American tribes and local government entities to participate in statewide clean energy planning and development, thereby supporting the state's ambitious goal of achieving 100 percent renewable and zero-carbon energy by 2045. The CCEPP is divided into three funding categories: Category 1 provides up to $150,000 to support California Native American tribes in participating in clean energy planning events; Category 2 allocates $900,000 to fund clean energy development potential studies, subject matter experts, and staff salaries for tribes; and Category 3 offers $500,000 to local government entities for developing or updating clean energy planning documents. Applicants are encouraged to apply early, as funds are available until June 30, 2024, with project activities to be completed by March 30, 2026. This program does not require previous funding or awards for eligibility, and it aims to address barriers to clean energy project development through comprehensive stakeholder engagement and planning support.
Enabling Electric Vehicles as Distributed Energy Resources
Nov 22, 2024
4 months ago
Max Award
The Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC) Program, established by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) in December 2011, aims to benefit the ratepayers of California's three investor-owned utilities by funding clean energy technology projects. This specific funding opportunity, under the EPIC Interim Investment Plan 2021, focuses on Applied Research and Development, particularly on Vehicle-to-Building Technologies for Resilient Backup Power. The goal is to increase the value proposition of distributed energy resources to customers and the grid, with a specific emphasis on transportation electrification and using electric vehicles as distributed energy resources. Applicants should be aware that this solicitation is open to all public and private entities, excluding local publicly owned electric utilities. Projects must benefit disadvantaged and low-income communities, with at least 25% of funds allocated to disadvantaged communities and an additional 10% to low-income communities. The application process involves multiple phases, with specific deadlines for submission and review. Applicants must comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and other requirements, and ensure timely submission of all necessary documentation to avoid delays.
Jul 2, 2024
8 months ago
Max Award
The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) is launching the Clean Energy Primes Contractor Accelerator Program as part of the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (CEJA). This initiative aims to support the development and growth of clean energy contractor businesses in Northern, Central, and Southern Illinois. Up to three eligible applicant teams will be funded to serve as Primes Program Leads, providing services such as business coaching, technical assistance, and operational support grants to a small cohort of participant businesses. The program's goal is to increase business opportunities for clean energy contractors, particularly those in equity investment eligible communities. The Primes Program Leads will assist participant contractors in applying for state and private business opportunities, obtaining relevant certifications, preparing bids, and connecting with various clean energy programs. The program also includes mentorship, networking events, and coordination with other CEJA workforce and economic development programs. This funding opportunity is part of a broader effort to expand the clean energy industry in Illinois, requiring significant business growth and a well-trained workforce.