The Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) is offering a funding opportunity aimed at enhancing the Commonwealth’s workforce to support the offshore wind industry in southern New England. This initiative is driven by the ongoing construction of the Vineyard Wind project and the upcoming SouthCoast Wind project, which highlight the urgent need for a skilled, diverse, and safe workforce to plan, build, operate, and maintain these offshore wind farms. The program seeks to fund projects that advance offshore wind workforce development, encouraging collaboration among vocational schools, community colleges, labor unions, industry developers, manufacturers, workforce development organizations, and supply chain companies. Up to $2. 5 million is available for awards, with a preferred maximum of $200,000 for workforce development and access to opportunity projects, and $750,000 for workforce training infrastructure projects. MassCEC may adjust the funding amounts at its discretion. This funding opportunity is part of MassCEC’s broader mission to accelerate clean energy growth, spur job creation, and support the Commonwealth’s climate goals. Applicants are encouraged to leverage existing training programs and partnerships to maximize the impact of their proposals.